AV801 Automated 8-Port Selector Valve


8 position selector valve for 1/16" OD capillary. Allows connection of any of the 8 port to the central port for fluidic distribution or selection. Nine (9) T-116-100 fittings required for interface to capillary (not included). Wetted material: Vespel


8 position selector valve for 360 um OD capillary. Allows connection of any of the 8 port to the central port for fluidic distribution or selection. Nine (9) C360-100 fittings required for interface to capillary (not included). Wetted material: Vespel


8 position selector valve for 1/32" tubing OD capillary. Allows connection of any of the 8 port to the central port for fluidic distribution or selection. Nine (9)T132-100 fittings required for interface to capillary (not included). Wetted material: Vespel

Selected valves are available with PCTFE Kel-F® as the wetted material.

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AV801 Automated 8-Port Selector Valve
AV801 Automated 8-Port Selector Valve

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